Read God's Word
We not only celebrate Christmas, we celebrate the gift of one another. We were created to be FAMILY. We were created to live in COMMUNITY. The true richness of life is found NOT in wealth or possessions or pleasure-seeking. No, true riches are found only in RELATIONSHIPS. Way back at the beginning, God said, "It is NOT GOOD for the man to be alone."
The first and most natural relationship for every human being is with our Creator. It is the most natural thing in the world for children to understand and believe that there is a God who made them and loves them. Where most of the world falls short is that they fail to understand that this relationship is also ESSENTIAL.
Jesus will not be an 'add-on' or an 'afterthought' or engage in a 'Sunday only' relationship with you. He offers to be friend and brother, but he is also Savior, JUDGE and King. Do you truly KNOW Jesus? Can you say with honesty that he speaks with you often? Jesus refers to himself as the 'groom' and to his true followers as his 'bride.' Friend, that's a CLOSE relationship! Read God's Word. Begin in the Book of John. Ask Jesus to be your personal Savior. Ask him to speak with you. He WILL, and you will be blessed! -Pastor Brad
Written on December 26, 2024
Posted in Daily Devotions