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The Crossing is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services!

visit us

sunday mornings

Join us Sunday at 9:15am, or 11am in person, or 11am online at crossingak.tv. You can also find our livestream on Facebook and YouTube @thecrossingak.

we're closer than you think

We're located only 15 minutes from Anchorage, 10 minutes from JBER,
7 minutes from Eagle River, and 20 minutes from the valley.
22208 Birchwood Loop Rd.
Chugiak, AK 99567

what to expect

A typical Sunday morning service will last around 60 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is children's church, activities for all ages and childcare available. We offer free donuts and coffee in the lobby in between services. Feel free to hang out after service and meet someone new!


what do i wear?

Our Sunday worship services are casual. We're a church for people from all walks of life. Please come as you are and wear whatever is most comfortable for you.  We want you to feel welcome and at home.

when should i arrive?

Our Sunday worship services begin at 9:15am, and 11am, but we invite you to arrive 10 minutes early to check in your kids, grab some coffee, and fellowship with our Crossing community.

what are my options for children?

We are passionate about sharing the Gospel in age-appropriate ways. We offer The Crossing Little Kids for children; newborn through age 5 and Big Kids Children's Church for Kindergarten through 3rd grade - for all of our Sunday worship services. 4th through 12th graders attend the main Sunday worship service with their parents.

what happens on sunday morning?

Every Sunday morning, we sing worship songs together, we pray both privately and corporately, we hear the Bible preached, and we take Communion once a month.

we would love to hear from you!