Be The Church

Much of my life recently has been spent traveling. An unexpected trip to sit with grieving loved ones, a rescheduled conference, Christmas with my parents, preaching at a cousin's funeral, and a ministry trip with Upward Sports have seemed to come one right after another. While I am thankful that God has given me both blessings and opportunities to bless others, I am also anxious to be 'home' with my Alaska church family. 

We have all been created with a longing to be 'home.' What do I mean by this? Home is a place where we are known and loved and valued. It is a place where we can 'exhale' and be fulfilled and joyful and at peace. God allows us to experience a taste of this when we are a part of a true church family. Face it- relationships take hard work. It's not enough to attend a church. You need to get into a Bible study. You need to initiate- to invite others out for coffee or to your home for dinner. You need to join with others to serve. 

Relationships are built upon shared experience- upon sharing life. The Crossing is "home" for many, many people. We are quite literally 'family.' We love each other. We want to be home and family for you as well. Don't simply 'come' to church, BE the church- and you will be blessed! -Pastor Brad

Written on January 5, 2025
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