Make A Decision
The battles you face will never be won by 'committee.' Sure, seek wise counsel. Of course you want to learn and prepare. But when it comes to doing what is right- when it comes to standing firm for Jesus- the opinion of the crowd simply doesn't matter. The Israelite king and his entire army were quaking with fear. Day after day, they were frozen by indecision. But get this- a refusal to make a decision to enter the battle IS a decision.
One young man, only ONE- got it right. David wasn't standing around cowering with the crowd while someone mocked the God of heaven. He wasn't having it. You see, standing for the God he loved was worth more to him than his safety. It was worth more to him than his reputation. It was worth more to him than what his family thought. It was worth more to him than his very life.
His heart burned with zeal for God. A zeal driven by a heart fully commited to his Savior. A zeal for doing what is right no matter the cost. Friend, do the right thing. It's YOUR battle. Stand on your feet, make a decision and do what is right. This is your path, your ONLY path- to victory. Be blessed! -Pastor Brad
Written on January 8, 2025

Posted in Daily Devotions