Two Are Better Than One

It was a short drive by Alaska standards. My son David and I drove less than 2 hours and pulled over to off-load our snowmachines. The temperature was −17°. When David stepped out of the truck, he said, "We have a flat tire on the trailer." Sure enough, completely flat. Before we could jack the trailer up, we needed to off-load the machines. It took a lot of pulling and sweating and freezing fingers before David's machine finally started, and he needed to stay on the throttle to keep it running. 

The same was true for mine. We did not yet have coats or hats or gloves, because we had been riding in a warm truck. As soon as the machines would idle, I loosened the lug nuts on the tire, grabbed a jack, and put it under the trailer. The jack was broken. Sometimes life seems like a comedy of errors. What was supposed to be a fun father/son outing had become a 'not fun at all' serious situation. We couldn't just pack up and go home. We needed to change the tire. 

David said, "I can lift the trailer." He did. While he held the trailer in the air, I changed the tire. Ecclesiastes 4:9 says, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work." This is so true. So often in life, the solution to our problem is another set of hands- a friend to help us. Seek help when you need it, offer help when you can, and you will be blessed! -Pastor Brad

written on January 19, 2025
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