Be Humble
My first retriever (named Tuck-A Duck-Away) was so intelligent that by 12 weeks old he took hand, voice, and whistle commands. The process of teaching him was so joyful that I actually considered a career as a dog trainer. 'Tucker' was strong, impervious to the cold, loved to learn, loved water and loved to hunt. I had followed the instructions in a book by a world-class dog trainer, and I honestly felt that I was now one of the best dog trainers in the world.
Then I bought another dog. Sander-Took-A-Gander (Sandy) was a yellow lab from excellent hunting stock. She was so stupid that she wouldn't look at me long enough to learn her name, she wouldn't retrieve a pheasant that I knocked down right in front of her, and she didn't like the water. It was then that I realized that I was not an exceptional trainer but that Tucker was an exceptional dog.
What a blow to my pride! It's so easy for success to lead us into the TRAP of pride, isn't it? Pride the the greatest of all sins because it exalts SELF rather than exalting GOD. Continuously give thanks for whatever success you achieve. Continuously acknowledge that God gave you the intelligence and the ability to do wonderful things. Yes- strive to excel, but be HUMBLE and you will be BLESSED! -Pastor Brad
Written on January 21, 2025

Posted in Daily Devotions