Expand Our Territory Lord

I had looked at this climb for several years, but was too intimidated to start. It wasn't that I couldn't carry my pack and rifle to the top, it was the thought of packing a moose back. Hunting solo offers its challenges. While I have no idea how many moose I've harvested in my life (and it's a lot), I know exactly how many I've cut up and packed out by myself- seven. Some jobs are so big that you remember them. 

I finally decided to do it. I grabbed my pack and rifle and game bags and tarp and spotting scope and binoculars and ammo and knives and rain gear and warm gear and water and trail food, and started to climb. This is a back-country hunter's 'empty' pack. As I start climbing I always feel slightly nauseous. It's my body rebelling and settling into the task. Soon I felt pretty good. The climb was much better than I had expected. No, I didn't find a moose that day, but I expanded my territory. 'WHAT IS POSSIBLE' became larger. Now I can hardly wait to go back. 

What is the spiritual application? I have felt like this for more than 20 years as a pastor. I am continually a little intimidated but EXCITED about expanding our territory- about reaching more people- about spreading the gospel still farther. For me that is a mountain worth climbing! Many pastors my age are retiring. I feel like I'm just getting started! "Lord, I'm asking you to expand The Crossing's territory. Enlarge our borders. Give us greater influence in the coming days. In Jesus' name, Amen." Be blessed! -Pastor Brad

Written on February 17, 2025

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