Stay On The Path
Our goal was simply getting to the machines. We had our caribou and with the meat divided three ways, each pack was 'comfortable.' Add to that the highly unusual benefit of getting to walk out on a game trail. This was HUGE. Not having to fight 'tundra walking' and brush made this a very easy pack. We didn't even have to look where we were going. All we had to do was STAY ON THE PATH.
One of my partners stopped to tie his bootlace, and we continued out to the machines. When we turned around, he was nowhere to be seen. An hour later, we finally spotted him (over a mile away) busting through heavy brush and walking in the wrong direction. We later learned that he had INTENTIONALLY left the path, thinking he'd found a better way.
This is such a clear picture of those who know Christ but refuse to stay on path, isn't it? Sin gives the payoff up front, but It always TAKES YOU FARTHER than you wanted to go, KEEPS YOU LONGER than you wanted to stay, and COSTS YOU MORE than you wanted to pay. Stay on the path. The Christian life IS that simple! Stay on the path, and you will be blessed! -Pastor Brad
Written on February 21, 2025

Posted in Daily Devotions