Test His Word
Since we couldn't fish for money, we decided to drop a subsistence net off the back of the boat where we were tied up in front of the South Naknek cannery. Even though the commercial fishery was shut down, we were still able to fill our freezers with fresh salmon. The Lord will provide. Many years ago a man named Abraham- a man God tells us is the 'father' of our faith- was given a difficult test. God told him to sacrifice his son Isaac on top of a mountain. Abraham obeyed, and at the last moment God stopped him and provided a ram for the offering in place of his son. Abraham named that place, 'The Lord Will Provide.'
In all of my travels around the globe, I have never seen committed Christians starving or begging for their bread. Psalm 37:25. says, "I have been young and now am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread." God doesn't promise 'your best life now.' In fact, he says that if you follow him, you'll have some hard times. But he DOES promise that he will ALWAYS provide for your needs, that he will ALWAYS love you, and that he will NEVER leave you. Test His word- LIVE that promise, and you will be blessed! -Pastor Brad
Written on February 23, 2025

Posted in Daily Devotions