Climb Anyway
by Pastor Brad Rud on February 15th, 2025
A number of years ago I set up camp by myself on a high ridge. The goal was dall sheep, but I hadn't seen anything. The country was barren. Even so, the next morning I started to climb higher still. Why? Because even though I felt that my chances of getting a sheep were utterly remote, I also knew that my chance of getting a sheep if I DIDN'T CLIMB was '0'- zip- nada. some of you feel that your ch... Read More
The Full Armor Of God
by Pastor Brad Rud on February 14th, 2025
I don't like to be cold. I don't mean the kind of cold that says, "I better put on a sweater." I mean REAL cold- the kind of cold that hurts you. In that kind of cold, only two things can keep you from serious harm- protective clothing and activity. If I venture out on my trapline missing even a single essential piece of clothing, I am vulnerable. If things go badly, I could be in deep trouble. If... Read More
Respond With Gentleness & Humility
by Pastor Brad Rud on February 13th, 2025
How do you respond when someone wounds you? I don't mean physical wounds- we care for those as best we can. I'm talking about something deeper, something that hurts your feelings- an attack upon your performance or perhaps upon you as a person. Sometimes the words spoken are true. Sometimes they are completely false. At times the wound is given unintentionally, but often you are the target. HOW DO... Read More
Be Intentional & Disciplined
by Pastor Brad Rud on February 12th, 2025
"I might have lasted longer if I had occasionally set my back against a tree." These words were written by a man used powerfully of the Lord for decades. Having both a heart that still hungered to preach the gospel AND broken health, he was reflecting that he should have taken better care of himself. That's a great reminder for all of us, isn't it? We are made of BODY, soul and spirit. The Holy Sp... Read More
Whiter Than Snow
by Pastor Brad Rud on February 11th, 2025
The temperature is hovering around 0° and snow is falling hard. Winter is back. After weeks of driving on road grime, it's hard to tell the color of my truck. But all of that dirt and grit and grime has disappeared- just like that- under a blanket of white. This is what God does in regard to our sins. Isaiah 1:18 says, "Come now, let us reason together," says the Lord, "though your sins are like s... Read More
Consider Your Ways
by Pastor Brad Rud on February 10th, 2025
As the temperatures dropped, our rain turned into snow. With the wind, we had an actual 'Minnesota-type' blizzard. High on the mountain, we got about 6 inches. The snow's undercoating of freezing rain made the roads treacherous. Alaskans are used to driving on snow. The ice hidden underneath was the problem. So often in life, the danger is hidden beneath the surface. I once listened to a young wom... Read More
Give Send Go Tell
by Pastor Brad Rud on February 9th, 2025
Our team from Ukraine leaves today. Last night was amazing. We had our annual missions dinner. We honored our missionary guests, ate, worshipped, and heard a powerful message from Slavik Golovatyuk, the founder of Solid Rock Mission in Ukraine. We watched video reports from our foreign missionaries sharing the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of decisions for Christ this past year! Between our Women's Minist... Read More
Pray For Your Friends
by Pastor Brad Rud on February 8th, 2025
As my truck began sliding sideways down my driveway yesterday, it occurred to me that I needed sand... Fortunately a good friend put me at the head of his list and got the job done. A team is staying with us who are part of a ministry in Ukraine. They needed to drive a 15 passenger van down to the church, but would never have made it down our driveway! Isn't it great when you have a friend who can... Read More
Listen To The Holy Spirit
by Pastor Brad Rud on February 7th, 2025
As I sit at my kitchen table this morning I can hear the wind roaring outside like a jet engine. Where did it come from? Where is it going? We cannot see the wind, but we FEEL it and see its EFFECTS. Jesus said in John 3:8, "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." Every Christi... Read More
The Value Of Time
by Pastor Brad Rud on February 6th, 2025
Many things in life are behind us. Those experiences are gone, and we will never get them back. That's the thing about time- it is truly our most precious commodity. My week has been filled with reminders. I spoke with the family of a man who was 'suddenly gone', with the father of an infant who is no longer with us, and prayed with a man (and his family) who is not expected to leave the hospital.... Read More
Faithful In Work & Witness
by Pastor Brad Rud on February 5th, 2025
Consider the farmer who plants 1,000 acres of corn. Not counting the astronomical cost of equipment and fuel, he will spend $100,000 on seed. Then he buries it in the ground... INVESTMENT...RISK...WORK...FAITH...WAITING....Producing a harvest always comes with a significant cost. The same is true in our spiritual lives. Salvation is free, but following Christ will COST YOU EVERYTHING. Jesus said, ... Read More
Make Your Help A Continual Gift
by Pastor Brad Rud on February 4th, 2025
I had a chance yesterday to help a man lift a 140 lb propane range off his truck and put it in a cargo sled behind his snowmachine. He was a little bashful at first when it came to accepting help. Typical man. I know, because that's how I would have responded. But he was thankful that I INSISTED on helping. When you see a need, is it your natural inclination to try to do something to meet that nee... Read More