i just got saved. now what?

Congratulations on making the single most important decision of your life! Professing faith in Jesus is far more than simply saying a prayer or joining a church – it is a life changing event – in fact the Bible refers to it as being BORN-AGAIN! It is a decision that changes your eternal destination and makes you a member of the family of God!

As you begin this new journey, we'll be walking alongside you every step of the way! Below are some of the next steps to take as a born-again Christian, along with some resources to help you along. If you have any questions about your faith or what it means to be a Christian, or would like prayer or counseling, contact the church office at [email protected], and we'll connect you with one of our pastors!


Rejoice that you are saved and be ready to share your
decision with family, friends, & other acquaintances! Fill out the digital connect card below to let us know about your decision so we can celebrate alongside you, and help you in this new journey!

read the bible

Make sure you have a copy of the Bible and start
reading it! Need a Bible? The Crossing is happy to
provide one. We highly recommend beginning with the
Gospel According to John. Some of the exciting things you will discover there are:

- God loves you personally & gave His Son to save you.
- He forgives your sins & makes you Spiritually whole.
- He is preparing a home in heaven specifically for you.


Next, sign up to be baptized. Baptism is given by God
as a step of obedience that formalizes your decision. To learn more about what baptism is and why we do it, or to sign up for our next baptism, click the button below!